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4,6 of 5 Critique=I absolutely love this game! First off I’m a huge solitaire fan. I could sit and play for hours which I have and never get bored. It keeps my mind busy. I like the twist they put in where it’s kind of like speed solitaire. They refill your “fake money” daily so you can basically play as many games as you’d like to level up your skills and get better for the actual money winning tournaments. Second, you don’t have to pay anything into the game that you don’t want to. They give you options to pay and get extra cash but honestly if you play longer you eventually complete your trophy goals and some of those rewards are actual dollar amounts that you can use for the cash tournaments. Also, this is not get rich quick sceme. Obviously the more you play the better you get and the better your chances of winning a lot of money. Today I finally got one of my trophy rewards of $2 dollars and I managed to turn that $2 reward into $5 in like 10 minutes. It’s the games way of giving you incentives to keep playing which I think is fantastic and what makes it super addicting. You win some and lose some. It’s like gambling. But the more you play the better you get and the higher your stakes are at winning. I play this game like 3 times a day usually a few hours at a time. It’s usually when I’m eating breakfast, on break at work, and before I go to bed. I love it!!! I honestly don’t see any flaws with it. It’s like actual solitaire devices=Ipod brief=A modern version of the classic: Klondike Solitaire Genre=Casino 173761536 Byte 1.9.



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